Sunday, July 24, 2005

It's easy to get your articles all over the web

I just did a search for the press release I issued about my Potter Marketing Rearch product and this blog. 16 sites have it listed in Google, 9 media outlets printed it out, and about 375 have accessed it for possible stories.

Some 51,000 have viewed it on

Bear in mind that this project is very late for the July 16th promotion. I didn't even start until AFTER the launch party I attendend.

Here's another press release that's doing the same thing. Their program is for literacy.. reading discusssion groups in general, and the only connection is the name of the book and author in the headline.

The Writing Tutor Promotes Reading with Online Literature Circles; Newest Discussion Topic is Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling: "The release of the most recent book in the Harry Potter series is the perfect opportunity for educators to push reading since so many children (and adults) love the series. To encourage reading and literary discussion, The Readers� Corner Book Club has posted the question: �What did you think of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince?� For a little added fun, The Writing Tutor has also included a survey asking people how quickly they read the book"

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